Showing posts with label Pagan Insights Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pagan Insights Project. Show all posts

Monday, May 21, 2012

Pagan Insights Project - Eureka!

Eureka! - post about something new that you have learned, or discovered recently, that is related to your path or Paganism in general.

I've actually been learning a lot since I've been able to get my hands on books and have actually been able to read. One I found in Egyptian Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Goddesses, and Traditions of Ancient Egypt by Geraldine Pinch. It was the Egyptologists argue over the origin of the conflict between Set and Heru myth. Though I've been finding out by reading Red Land, Black Land that they argue about other things as well. But some Egyptologists argue that the origin of the myth stemmed from the conflict between Ombos and Hierakonpolis where Set and a falcon god, respectively, was the local god. Though it was noted in the footnotes that even if that origin was true the function of the myth was purely religious in nature.

Finding out this information taught me more than what was on the surface. It opened my eyes. It showed me that we really don't know these myths or culture like I thought we did. While I knew that there were still pieces missing I had thought that we knew everything about what we did have. In school, it seemed like they were teaching us absolute truths. That what they taught us couldn't change (I still say Pluto is a planet damn it. I want My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas. Not My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles). That we just build upon it to advance. So it was only natural that what I was able to find in doing research wasn't completely shrouded in mysteries still. That everything there was to know about that particular subject was already known.

If any of this makes any sense at all. I hope it does. If not leave me a comment and I'll try to explain better.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pagan Insights Project - Action, Action

*Action, Action - post about a ritual, working or other experiential moment related to your path that has occurred recently, or that you are planning to do.

Learning. Learning, learning, learning. That's what I've been doing. But while its no fun just to say that, I could talk about what I want to try to do for the summer solstice. I could. But that's a month away and I don't know if I would actually be doing or able to do anything for the solstice. Its a Wednesday so probably not. The most I'd do is probably walk down to Subway. Oh well. Like I said. Month away.

People are probably thinking "A Kemetic celebrating the solstice?" My response to that is that that is something I've thought about doing when I was back in elementary school. My thoughts were "Hey its always marked on the calendar. Why can't we do something for it?" Those feelings never left. Though I always forget what day it is until its too late >.<;

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Pagan Insights Project - Musical Musings

* Musical Musings - post a song, chant or poem related to your path, or one that invokes a feeling/emotion related to your spirituality (or craft). Can be in word form, but videos would definitely be awesome as well. On a spiritual level, what is your music of the moment? Is this a song stuck in your head, or one you played before your last ritual?

This song is actually a bit of a weird one. Though I do have to say before I move on to explaining this song, I tend to stick to songs that I already know because I want to be able to listen and just sing if I'm in the mood. I like the feeling I get when I sing.

The reason I chose this song for this prompt is because this song for some reason or another is the only one I've listened to that reminds me of any deity. While yes if you looked at my iPod I do have a handful Christian songs on it >.< they don't make me think of the Christian God. But this song makes me think of Aset. I still haven't figured out exactly why at all. I've actually been putting off figuring that one out. ^.^;

Friday, May 18, 2012

Pagan Insights Project - Post A Pic

Post A Pic - post an image related to your path, or one that invokes a feeling/emotion related to your spirituality (or craft… if one is a non-religious Witch), along with a sentence or two describing the image.

This was the first image that came to my mind when I thought about this prompt. Well not this one exactly but one of the moon. I always get a sense of peace and calmness when I look up at the moon. I also get a good chunk of reading done at night. Nighttime is the time that I get to sit back and relax. I don't feel like I'm rushing around. I don't want to feel rushed when I'm learning.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pagan Insights Project - In Your Own Words

Well I'm "starting a little late" with this. It was posted on TIP at the beginning of the month. And I'm just now getting around to saying and doing something about it. What a good little pagan I am. But hey. I'm getting around to it. And what I like about the Pagan Insights Project is that it'll give me a bit more of a direction to blog about than my random little musings about this, that, and the other thing. Unless you guys actually like my random musing about this, that, and the other thing. But I still feel like I need something to pull the people in. I don't feel like I'm finding the topics people want to read about. Or even approaching them the right way that its pulling people in. But eventually I want to get around to doing the 30 Days of Paganism prompt. But that might be a bit. When I feel like I've started posting on a more regular basis. Or when I feel like I'm going to have a slow month. Oh hey look! I think that might be December. Or something like that.

But anywho on to the PIP ( >.< ) post!

* In Your Own Words - your thoughts and feelings – maybe a full blog post on a topic of your choice related to your path (or Paganism in general) or just a few sentences on where you are right now. What are you studying? What are you thinking? Who are you, and where are you going on your Pagan path? What’s right and what’s wrong in Paganism at the moment?

 In my own words. There's a number of ways I could take that. To start I'll probably just answer the example questions. In later posts if/when I get back and re-answer these prompts I might do it differently. But for now you're getting this:

I am who I am. Right now my name isn't really of importance. Even in my path. Even though its been almost a year since I started following the Kemetic path I know I'm still young in it. Even though it would be nice to have the gods name me I'm no where near that yet. Some times I wonder if I'll even be. I may be an insecure person and I doubt that I'm getting anywhere but I know that this is what I want. I want to learn from the Kemetic gods. People may look at me and say "But you're only 21. That'll change in a few years." While I hope that I'll be able to continue to grow and change, I hope that this desire doesn't go away. I want something that can actually be stable in my life. So I know that I can try to make better and stabilize the rest of my life. Right now I'm reading Red Land, Black Land by Barbara Mertz for my "Kemetic studies". I'm only a few pages into it but its a bit interesting so far. Interesting in the fact that Mertz's writing is so casual. Kinda like we're sitting down and talking about it. Unlike other books where its "here's the facts" and that's it.

I'd type more but I'm tired. Should have already been in bed. But I wanted to get something posted for this. I might redo the Pagan Insights Project every so often. Just to keep track of how much I've progressed. But we'll just have to see.